Unimog Adventures: What’s Up With Bikini Trish? (2023)

This is the ultimate guide to Umimog Adventures for 2023.

As an Australian, I have watched 27 hours worth of their videos in the last few months.

So if you’ve wanted to know:

➡️ What their Unimog U1250 actually cost them

➡️ How much money they make off YouTube

➡️ If Trish really has an uncut OnlyFans account

➡️ What is their net worth and income sources

➡️ How you can fund your own travels online

Then you’re definitely in the right place!

Plus I’ll be sharing how you can fund your trip around Australia while working online.

Let’s begin!

Unimog Adventures FAQs (March 2023)


Iain Richards (age 55)

Trish Richards (age 53)


Unimog Adventures are currently at Mataranka Homestead in the Northern Territory. They are enjoying the thermal pools which trying to figure out where to explore next.


Unimog Adventures owns a Unimog U1250.

This was originally a road-railer for NSW railways for wiring and track work, before Iain turned it into an expedition vehicle in 2010 with a reconditioned OM352A engine. The entire build took 6 years and more than 3,000 hours.

He’s well known on Expedition Portal with his thread about the camper construction running for 10 years.

If you have the time, it’s well worth the read! This man really thought of everything to take him and Trish around the world.

If you prefer the short version, Iain’s video is a good summary:

Affording It

Iain worked for years as a laborer before coming up with enough money to buy his Unimog. Trish also worked as a model and cafe worker.

In total, they paid $57,000 for the Unimog and around $72,000 for the build including mechanical upgrades, new tyres and the camper itself.


Unimog Adventures makes $9,200 per month through creating videos on YouTube. Only $1,500/month is made via YouTube while the rest is made through sending men over to Trish’s OnlyFans account to subscribe for $20/month. She has more than 350 subscribers and it’s growing each month.

Net Worth

Unimog Adventures’ net worth is only $590,000 Australian dollars. They live off out of the truck and earn money online and through investments.

The Strategy

Unlike most 4×4 channels that discuss parts, accessories, 4×4 builds, tracks or complete adventures, Iain and Trish have a completely different strategy.

A lot of their YouTube views are gathered through click-bait content due to a lack of clothing. From here, they cross-sell Trish’s uncut footage with Iain’s approval, of course.

I believe they’re leaving a lot of money on the table. A fantastic opportunity exists to create a full-time income through having their own website, for which they don’t currently have.

Big Moments

There haven’t any notable moments in their adventures. They have only had one flat tyre but haven’t hit any roos or come across any snakes or stranded travelers. Better still – they don’t create random drama, unlike some other 4×4 YouTubers out there.


Some say that Unimog Adventures is controversial given that their content isn’t just about admiring the scenery. That said, there are always going to be a few people offended through whichever content you produce.


Unimog Adventures hasn’t collaborated with any other YouTube channels in Australia.


Iain and Trish are continuing their journey around Australia.


It’s clear that their approach isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s clearly working for them. They make money while they’re sleeping and all they need is a phone, laptop, some good scenery and limited clothing.


Do you love Trish as much as we do? Then subscribe and you’ll get access to some inside secrets. 😉

New and Exciting Opportunity

Travel Australia and Work On The Laptop

Hi there! It’s Matt again from Skippa Offroad:

I am definitely a fan of Unimog Adventures!

Since I’m watching them on YouTube just like you.

I’ve seen just about every single episode so far!

They’re definitely living the absolute dream. 🇦🇺

But…you could score their type of freedom too.

I know of an exciting opportunity where you can:

👉 Work from your 4×4 with just the laptop

👉 Start an online business and work remotely

👉 Share your passion for 4×4 ownership

👉 Generate some genuine passive income

👉 Do it all WITHOUT making Youtube videos

Keen to learn more about what I can offer?

I’d love to invite you to discover more through this free training. 😃